Monday, June 28, 2010

If anyone is concerned about the state of my safety, I wanted to let you know that I am alive and well. I am currently in Prague, and will be here for approximately 12-15 more hours.

Due to some unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances regarding the very confusing names of German airports, I did not sleep much last night [sunday, when I traveled from Madrid to Frankfurt to Prague]. And I have to check out of here tomorrow morning [tuesday] at 10. So I’m going to bed. Prague is beautiful, but I really had no idea what to do here. 24 hours is not a long time in a city where you don’t understand the language one bit.

seriously, anyone - how do you say thank you in czech? or even hello?

Madrid with Andrea was a blast! Hopefully I’ll update more before I get back from my trip, but we’ll see. Budapest tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you are traveling ALL over the place by yourself! You are seeing SOOO much, and getting some fab experiences! There is one place you haven't been for a while, and it misses you...L.P.! We all miss you, pray for your safety, and hope you are really enjoying your summer. Thanks for keeping us updated with your blog...I really enjoy reading it! We love you lots,
    Mom & Dad
