Friday, June 25, 2010


Hi everyone! Sorry that I promised a blog and it didn't show up. I wrote it all out (it is LONG!) but I was having major difficulties uploading pictures, and it was pretty much all pictures. I'm going to look into using a different blog maybe when I get back from my trip.

My trip! I'm leaving this afternoon to spend the weekend in Madrid with Andrea. YAY! I'm so excited to see her. On Sunday I'll leave Madrid to fly to Frankfurt, Germany. I'm only sleeping there - I land late at night and then I'm taking a train out at the crack of dawn. So I'll leave Frankfurt for Prague early Monday morning (the 28th). I'm spending the night in Prague. From there I will probably be going to Budapest to visit some friends from Camp last year, but it's not 100% ironed out yet. If I can't get to Budapest I'll just stay in Prague. On Thursday, whether from Prague or Budapest, I'm taking a train to Bratislava, Slovakia. There I will meet my friend Melissa, who is working in London this summer, and we will go to a town I think called Banska Bystrica? Slovak is hard. Lizzie, another member of our sorority, lives there with her husband and Melissa and I will spend the weekend there. On Sunday (4th of July!) I'll fly out of Bratislava back to Madrid and catch the train back to Salamanca.

I know - it's craziness. But I'm so excited! I'll try to throw up a blog entry sometime on the trip just to show I'm alive, but if I don't please don't freak out - internet might be spotty. Pray for me so I stay safe and transportation doesn't get messed up :)

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